This group of studies *[for the "Black Fixes Everything" project] consists of inked out record covers by various designers; Barry Feinstein, Jaon Pelosi, S. Soft, Marvin Isreal, Reid Miles, ect. The idea is simply to recreate new image dialog by voiding preexisting elements with black ink. I chose record covers for these studies not only for their design elements, but also for the preexisting text, which is also subject to selective voiding.
*The "Black Fixes Everything" project will involve the purchasing thirteen Takashi Murakami paintings. These paintings will provide the "jumped event point". I will alter/improve the paintings by going in with black ink and negating the areas I find unfortunate. This action, beside creating new image dialog, will add a living continuation that I feel lacks in Takashi Murakami's work. The project will also deal with the question of a work's "event point", an idea which was somewhat inspired from the collaboration work done by Ron Liberti and Soleil Konkel involving silkscreening and photography.
"Black Fixes Everything #1", 2010, Ink on cd cover, 4.75" x 5"